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Thank and Be Wealthy!

Are You Open to Receiving?

Attend the ultimate apply-it-to-your-life-for-the-rest-of-your-life course in health, wealth, relationships, healing and the POWER OF INTENTION:

Thank and Be Wealthy!

The Most Grateful Students Imaginable!

Thank and Be Wealthy was the greatest experience of my life!

If everyone on the planet simply took Thank and Be Wealthy, we’d experience a global awakening the likes of which have never been seen in history!

Thank and Be Wealthy was the best investment of my life. My life has far greater meaning, purpose and direction!

What is Thank and Be Wealthy?

Introduction to Healing: Thank and Be Wealthy is a three-day (Friday to Sunday), fun-intensive, habit creation course.

It’s a “how to apply it to your life and really live it” exploration of the power of intention (also known as the power of: the mind, attraction, prayer, the placebo effect, suggestion, etc.) and it’s role in health, healing and personal transformation.

Introduction to Healing: Thank and Be Wealthy is also

  • A practical and scientifically grounded update to the most influential modern book on success, Think and Grow Rich.
  • A compelling doorway to an authentically grateful, optimistic and passionate life.
  • A course that uncovers the secrets to success of every kind and in every area of your life (“holistic wealth”).
  • A course that will pave the way for you to live vastly more in the present moment.
  • An exploration into your ability to create reality through your thoughts and without any action required.
  • A profound reminder that your personal dreams really, really DO matter and are still on their way to you!
  • One of the world’s most practical courses in how to release negative self-talk and really esteem yourself.

Let’s Hear What Other Graduates are Saying…

This course is unlike any other. It is a phenomenon that needs to be experienced in order to be understood! It is a “must-do” for those who have chosen to build a lifetime of happiness and success!

My eyes are opened for the first time in 63 years!

I’ve taken this course ten times now. This may be the most important information a human being can understand!

But wait, there’s moooooore…

Thank and Be Wealthy will change your life.  It’s amazing.

I’ve had panic disorder for most of my adult life – and within one weekend, the length of the class, I learned tools that changed my outlook on my Panic forever.  I have new words to use, new language…and ever since the class, I haven’t taken any medication because I haven’t needed to.

I am so overwhelmed with gratitude. My weekend experience at Thank and Be Wealthy was one of the top defining moments of my life. Right up there with the birth of my children.

Sounds nutty, right? How could a weekend seminar/class have that much of an impact? I can only say that it was life altering in such a positive and beautiful way. I will never be the same.

Don’t let the title fool you. This class is not about how to go out and get money. It is about finding your joy and creating an abundant life. It’s about thoughts and feelings and acknowleging. It’s about dropping resistance and allowing your pure essence to be seen, felt and heard. It’s about allowing yourself to live your life from your heart’s song and observing from that place how everything starts to show up for you.

I am eternally grateful!

Just finished an amazing adventure weekend where I was led to discover peace, love, joy and internal happiness.  I highly recommend the creation course for anyone and everyone willing to take an adventure of a lifetime!

Upcoming Dates

Location: San Francisco Campus

Dates: Call for our next upcoming dates

Times: Friday and Saturday from 10a-10p and Sunday from 10a-7p

Tuition: $597.00

Location: Pleasanton Campus

Dates: Call for our next upcoming dates

Times: Friday and Saturday from 10a-10p and Sunday from 10a-7p

Tuition: $597.00

Take the Next Step. Call today with questions or to register.

San Francisco Massage School: 415-221-2533

Pleasanton Massage School: 925-461-2533

What ARE you waiting for? Call now!