Holistic Life Coach Training Info. and FAQs
Read our Catalog
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement.
State of California Consumer Information
World School of Massage & Holistic Healing Arts is a private institution approved to operate by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Approval to operate means the institution is compliant with the minimum standards contained in the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 (as amended) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review our catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged to review the Holistic Life Coaching School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are welcome to read World School’s Annual Report as well.
Any questions a student may have regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by the school may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833, www.bppe.ca.gov, toll-free telephone number (888) 370-7589 or by fax (916) 263-1897.
World School of Massage & Holistic Healing Arts has never filed a bankruptcy petition, operated as a debtor in possession or had a petition of bankruptcy filed against it under federal law.
World School of Massage & Holistic Healing Arts does not participate in federal or state financial aid programs.
World School of Massage & Holistic Healing Arts is not accredited by an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE), and this Institution’s students are not eligible for federal financial aid programs.
About the FAQs
We’re aware that our list of World School FAQs may not be the rosetta stone to all your frequently asked questions, yet we hope you find it helpful.
For all your other curiously curious questions, our big-hearted admissions advisors would love to answer them for you. Call now!
What are the goals of the Health and Holistic Life Coach Training Program?
The mission of the School for Health and Life Coach Training is to support you in having, being, and doing exactly what you want in every area of your life. To empower you to live your optimum life as you design and direct it and then to give this same to your clients and loved ones who want it.
At the World School, we place special emphasis on the role of health in personal development for important reasons:
- Genuinely allowing yourself to desire and receive optimum health is a valuable first step toward creating abundance in all other areas of your life.
- The fundamental principles and practices known to create success (as popularly defined) are identical to those that produce health and healing. When you explore and combine these success principles with what we’ve learned from the unique messages of the human body, you will gain new and revolutionary access to having the life you want in all respects.
- We’ve found that feedback from the body is key to creating the life and reality you want. We understand the messages from our bodies in ways few people do on the planet today.
What’s The Holistic Life Coach Program?
At some point in your life, someone most likely a family member said, “I just want you to be happy.”
They likely expressed this sentiment to instill in you permission to be authentically happy, and to encourage you to make choices that reflect that intention.
The Holistic Life Coach Training Program is an extension of that permission; designed to show you how to develop habits of thought, emotion, language, and action that empower you to pursue and leverage this innate impulse for authentic joy.
Infinite Possibilities
Another way of appreciating what The Holistic Life Coach Training Program offers is to see it as an environment for exploring what’s optimally possible for you in all dimensions of your life: health, relationships, prosperity, lifestyle, spirituality, as well as personal passion, and human potential.
A carefully integrated and experiential learning environment and curriculum designed and tested for nearly thirty years will provide you with the inner- and interpersonal, emotional, intellectual, and behavioral tools and resources you need to pursue what’s possible. Some of the more valuable, yet non-traditional, resources include extraordinary peer support, professional private and group coaching, and interactive Web-based learning and community support.
What will I get out of The Holistic Life Coach Program?
First consider, “What can I create for myself out of The Holistic Life Coach Training Program?”
That said, you can create anything you want out of this program.
The students who have taken the program before you have done just that; each person’s results have been different than others because each student is special and unique.
Whether your deepest desire is for a new home or a renewed relationship, an abundance of financial wealth or vibrant health, passion or peace, you can create anything you want out of this course.
Thus, the more important question becomes, “Are you willing to allow yourself to have what you want in all areas of your life?”
How can a course in Health and Life Coaching generate abundance in my life?
It’s not the course that generates this; it’s your willingness to allow yourself to want what you want and to see and feel this preferred reality as more real than your current one.
The same fundamental principles of reality or attraction apply in every area of human experience. It all has to do with understanding and applying the principles in the areas of your choosing.
We provide the fundamental tools and resources that make creating the world you want fun and genuinely possible.
Why is health and wellness such an important part of Life Coaching?
Experiencing a healthy lifestyle is incredibly important to enjoying life and living successfully. The principles and lifestyle practices that ensure your personal health are the same that support you in successfully creating the lifestyle you want and enabling your clients in doing the same.
Each participant in The Holistic Life Coach Program will develop an optimum lifestyle plan and will receive a coach to support you in developing and living the lifestyle you want.
Why “Health and Life Coaching” rather than “Holistic Health?”
For many years we called this the Holistic Health Program. While nothing has changed in terms of our commitment to viewing health holistically, we want the program title to accurately reflect the goal of the program. For years now, the question of what creates optimum health has been at the forefront of our holistic inquiry.
More Questions? We love to answer them. Call us today!